Shore Acres Drive: Middle of Nowhere

Shore Acres Drive is a punk band based in Ithaca, New York. The trio is comprised of Charlie Fraioli (guitar/vocals), James Manton (bass/vocals), and Jake Burchard (drums). They’re influenced by other genres including post-hardcore and indie, which surface in their own music. They draw from other contemporary artists such as Modern Baseball and Tigers Jaw.


Shore Acres Drive began as a solo act created by Fraioli in 2013. He released a few singles, gained attention from the local scene, and soon his solo act became a full band. They released their debut EP in early December of 2014. Middle of Nowhere features 5 distinct tracks. The record is a compilation of new material and old revamped acoustic songs. It was recorded with Charlie Fraioli on guitar/bass/vocals and Sam Fraioli on drums.

I found that the band’s emo influences really came to life on this record. The songwriting is showcased in every track and reminds me of other artists including Dashboard Confessional and The Front Bottoms. My favorites are the first and last tracks, “Dear Happiness” and “414.”

I particularly liked “Dear Happiness” because the lyrics tell a story. They’re proud and honest – not meaningless or muddy. The guitar and drums help to add great dynamics and energy to the song. The highlight of this well-rounded track is definitely the final line, “Happiness is the last thing I think of when I see your face.”

I think “I Owe You” has the best intro because of its ability to grab your attention. I really enjoyed the driving guitar riff and thought the instrumentals perfectly complemented the lyrics. My least favorite track from the EP is “The Next One.” I was less impressed with the vocals and more impressed with Sam Fraioli’s drum skills. I don’t dislike the track but I prefer the others over it.

“414” is arguably the best track of the Middle of Nowhere EP. The song, at only 1:58 in length, is a perfect concluding track to the album. I especially love the simplicity and humor in the lyrics. My favorite lines include “I have no clue where I want to be/At least when I get home I know I’ll be in good company.” Overall, I loved the candidness of Middle of Nowhere and I can’t wait to see what the band has planned for the new year. Check out the album below and head to their official Bandcamp for a name-your-price download.




– Victoria

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